Family Dynamics in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

We are looking to recruit parents and siblings of individuals who have a diagnosis of ASD to understand how this diagnosis can impact family structures to best provide support and intervention. 

You will be eligible to take part if you are:

1. Over the age of 18.

2. A parent or sibling of a child formally diagnosed with ASD.

3. Have a good command of the English language.

4. Have no significant visual problems that will prevent you from using a screen.

5. Have a computer with speakers and an internet connection.

Please note that if you choose to take part, you may withdraw at any time during the process of completing the questionnaire. 

No personally-identifying information will be collected and all data, therefore, will be fully anonymous. 

Your answers will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Thank you for considering taking part. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to take part or have any queries about the study, please contact the researchers ( or project supervisor, Dr Miles Rogish ( 

We look forward to hearing back from you.


Please note Norfolk SEND Partnership are only posting the study and it is not linked to or endorsed by our service.